Vedic Meditation is practiced using an effortless mental technique, which takes the subtle form of an innocently repeated thought.
We call this a mantra, which simply means: ‘A vehicle for the mind’.
Mantras are patterns of vibration that operate beyond language, yet actively resonate at the sensory level of sound and hearing. These sounds are not words in the usual sense, as they do not refer to anything specific in the physical world (for example, in the way that the word ‘rose’ refers to a type of flower).
When inwardly repeated in a silent way, mantras help bring the mind and body to a calm and settled state — to the point where the physiology is resting very deeply and the thinking process has become quieter and more refined.
The mantras specifically used in Vedic Meditation can be described as primordial, meaning “foundational” or “original".
Their form transcends human thought and helps us reveal what is described in this ancient knowledge tradition as Pure Consciousness or Being. And is experienced as a quiet and deeply peaceful inner condition.