
If left to their own devices children are naturally playful. That seems to be their default setting. To explore, embrace, shape and reshape their world. As if they experience life in pure ‘verb’ a self organised intelligence always in a state of play punctuated equally with moments of rest. There is no resistance, no inhibitions, simply the reluctance to stop the dance. Which ultimately is innocently surrendered too. Because it is understood that it’s the only choice on offer, the inevitable consequence of all that play is rest. Often with a gentle sway the child is tenderly enfolded by sleep sometimes wherever they happen to be sitting. All this exuberance and innocence elegantly cut from a living cloth that ultimately dresses everything, everywhere. When are we going to take heed? And stop postponing the invitation to play? When are we going to listen and acknowledge the call to rest. Perhaps it is in fact the primacy of these two states that hint at an antidote to our modern malaise. The objects we crave ultimately fail us. They distort our natural ability to find peace, fulfilment , purpose and participation creatively in our minds , sensually through our bodies and intimately into all relationship.

Photo of Dante.

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