First Contact

Is an invitation to come face to face and heart to heart with a vast living intelligence. One that sits beneath the surface of things, and that stretches back as far as there is to go. something that resides deep in our personal, tribal and species memory. Where it shimmers like an heirloom waiting to be reclaimed. It has always been here, not far beyond the stars, but simply a hand's breadth away. Yet we have conspired to keep it out of focus, pushed it to the periphery of experience, we have forbidden its name and forgotten the language to adequately and intimately describe it. But intuitively we still sense it. Feel how it implicitly signals to us from the only place left untouched by our reactive and reductive styles of mind. An indifference that clips the wings of anything that sings of the old mystery and the magic. Yet it lives and breathes in our stories and through our songs. In the marks and gestures we incessantly make. Teasing out the whispers that can only be decoded in the imagination. That bring its message of renewal and reconciliation. A beckoning from the deepest part of ourselves to close our eyes, open our hearts and minds and let it  guide us home.

photo of a pilgrim, Varanasi, India

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