Gathering golden threads

In every moment, there are two consistent ways of knowing the world that have always been available to us. A ‘feeling’ function and the flow of energy that faithfully follows it. These twin or braided resources can be infallible guides to living our lives.  Most children know this inherently of course, as do most preindustrial cultures. Yet most of us have forgotten how to respond or even recognise this resource. This feeling function, or knowing feeling that tells us whether something is appropriate for us, safe for us, inviting to us. Unfortunately many of us have lost contact with this gift, or have simply ignored and overriden its signals in order to keep to the program! The prescription that our linear, reductive tendencies keeps us close to, compelled to follow. Too often we are obliged to channel our energy and attention on tasks for which we have no warmth for, affection for. We learn to do this because we anticipate being compensated or rewarded for it. And would feel anxiety, shame, insufficiency if we stopped. Yet in time this social contract begins to diminish our vitality, withering our creative intelligence on ‘busy, meaningless pursuits”. We do not choose these feelings, they are autonomous, a qualitative analyses or ‘warm data’ about our lives. They are highly situational and site specific. That means they  tend to be local, immediate and present to what’s happening or about to happen here and now. We can only choose to acknowledge these golden threads and tune into them. Allowing them to resonate. Then attempt to decode, discern their intentions, their directions and decide whether to act. Similarly the ebb and flow of energy which is a natural function of our sensing surfaces and systems begins to chime in response as a vital guide to whether the choices we are acceding to are appropriate, relevant for us and the situation at hand. If what we are doing is true, the energy needed seems to be available. And will sustain our interest and investment for as long as is needed. When we reclaim this evolutionary heirloom, life feels less fraught, more inviting. Less distancing more sensual, immediate and alive. Like a dance , that’s only there for the dancing.

Portrait of Tamara

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